The chief of pharmacy services at Saginaw’s Aleda E. Lutz VA hospital says he’s innocent following an arrest last week on charged of child sexual assault.

55-year-old Ferdy Ameh of Saginaw Township, who’s been with the Saginaw VA since February, is charged with three counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct with a person under 13 for allegations of inappropriate behavior while working at a VA medical center in another state.

While Ameh has no criminal history, it isn’t the first legal issues he’s faced while working for the VA. He also sued a coworker at a VA medical center in Alabama who he claims falsely accused him of sexual harassment. While the case was dismissed, it remains open.

Ameh is being held without bond at the Saginaw County Jail. He’s been classified as absent without leave at the VA, a non-pay status and has been stripped of all patient care responsibilities, pending disciplinary review and appropriate action.