Saginaw City Council Explains Letters sent to Residents Last Week

Residents of the City of Saginaw received a letter stating their city’s water passed the state’s testing standards in 2019 and requires no extra treatment. The letter also informed residents of potential measures they can take to minimize lead exposure. Saginaw City Manager Tim Morales says there is nothing to be worried about regarding these letters and that about one thousand water lines have already been replaced.

The City of Saginaw has also been changing some security at City Hall. The City spent 13 thousand eight hundred dollars for locksmith work at City Hall for the Facilities division. Back on October 21st, 2019, council approved the purchase agreement with Johnson Controls to upgrade the hardware and software of the door and gate access system. These Locksmith services will need to be added in order to complete the purchase agreement. TKS Security is the vendor that Johnson Controls Subcontracts to perform locksmith work and eliminate any warranty issues.

There is a new Absentee voting video on the City website, facebook page and SGTV. From now on any citizen can receive an absentee ballot and they do not need a reason to vote absentee for any election. When filling out an absentee ballot, always remember to sign the back of the envelope. To watch the video and see more information go to